Acupuncture For Weight Loss
When we think about ancient medicine, we often think about weight loss. Acupuncture is a core practice that has been going on for generations. It has many health benefits, including weight loss.
For many people, acupuncture is a useful tool that helps them to make healing choices in their lives. However, it’s also an effective way for people to successfully start to lose weight. Let’s take a look at how this is the case, and what it means for you.
What is Acupuncture?
So, what is acupuncture, and how does it work? Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine which involves using needles as a tool for stimulating the body. This means that if you want to get what is, ultimately, the highest level of benefit from the procedure, you have to allow yourself to be poked and prodded a bit! However, this isn’t a bad thing. A qualified practitioner like Dr Diem will be able to help you by performing the procedure with only minimal discomfort.How does Acupuncture help with Weight Loss?
So, how does acupuncture help with weight loss? What does it do to improve the journey of a person trying to look and feel healthier?
People who support acupuncture will often refer to the fact that it can help to stimulate weight loss by helping the energy flow in the body, called “chi”. This helps to impact some of the factors that come from weight loss, and can help with the typical challenges of obesity including things like lowering stress, curbing appetite, increasing the metabolism, and altering the part of the brain that deals with hunger.
So, according to typical Chinese medicine beliefs and practices, weight gain is down to an imbalance in the body. The ancient teachings which govern Chinese medicinal beliefs say that it can be down to a malfunctioning thyroid gland, liver, spleen, kidney or endocrine system.
Generally speaking, this means that the bulk of any successful treatments will target this part of the body first, making sure to try and rebalance the chi in the body. By fixing these issues, the general consensus is that the body will have a proper chance at weight loss.
In Conclusion
Acupuncture is one of those things that has a lot of health benefits, and is quite effectively used for something like weight loss. It is a practical resource, and there are definitely plenty of options to explore, it’s just a case of making sure that you sit down and really experiment with it.
If you’re going to experiment with acupuncture, there are a few things that you need to think about. First of all, make sure that you consult with a qualified practitioner, and don’t try anything at home if you don’t know what you’re doing. Second of all, remember that this could take a few sessions to get right, as it doesn’t always correct the problem on the first try. This is perfectly normal.
If you are interested in learning more about our acupuncture & weight loss, feel free to contact us or schedule an appointment.